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Kundli Chakra 2019 Professional

Kundli Chakra 2019 - Professional edition ..A compilation of Vedic Indian Astrology ( Latest released version June 2020) Main Features: Horoscope Match making K.P. System S.P.S. System Jaimini System Horary (Prashna) Analysis Numerology - Predictions Numerology - Compatibility with Partner and Calculations Lal Kitab Analysis Lal Kitab Varshphal Analysis Muhurta Analysis Sarvato Bhadra Chakra - ancient indian methodology for predictions using vedha Naamkaran - Vedic method Naamkaran - Western method Transit Study with various worksheets and animated transit Transit Graph for financial astrologers Transit Wheel (detailed chart wheel with nakshatra & all aspects) also used in western astrology Time Correction Events Study Detailed Predictions (Lagna, Tatwa, Planet/House, Nakshatra, General Predictions-Nature, Financial, Love, Marriage, Health, Food etc) Dasha Predictions 120 years with UPAAYS / REMEDIES for each good/bad period of life Bio Rhythmic Charts, including I-Ching Rhythms Varsphal for 120 Years with predictions (Annual Chart Predictions) Ratna (Gem Stone) Suggestions & Mantra Remedies with details Yantra - for all planets with printing facility Sade Sati detailed with Remedies Manglik Dosha Kaalsarpa Yoga Utilities -Sunrise/ Sunset, Rahukaal, Panchang, Hora, Chaughadiya, ephemeries, detailed position of particular planet...etc Using utilities, you can also generate professional book style panchang, rahukaal, sunrise/sunset and ephemeries reports too. Specially designed Colour / Black & White Printout Page Designer & Model Printing Facility Easy Printing of reports in A4, Book Size, Double Side Printing. More than 1000 pages of reports. Export reports to PDF/JPEG/BMP and email them to clients This new release comes with a new and better interface, more accuracy, more reports & options to quickly analyze the charts and generate reports... if anyone needed this software Kindly Email Me :

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